Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day Three Hundred & Two

I don't think many of us like when relationships are rocky or there's an issue in the air, but I can't handle it. I've learned to internally work through dealing with someone being upset with me or there being some kind of conflict, but what I can't handle is when things aren't being discussed. Let's at least talk through it. If we're still pissed, upset, in conflict after that conversation, ok. But let's at least have that conversation. Let's at least be honest and upfront and put our shit out there.

Thank god S.B. is the same way. I can trust that when something comes up between us, we'll talk about it. We'll put it out there. Getting coffee with her tonight, airing shit out and talking through it was so important to me (and her) and I'm so very grateful that she works the same way I do in this regard.

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