Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day Twelve

Talking with Bryn and having two core realizations:

(1.) Some of my clients won't like my therapy style and that's okay. The beauty of this field is that there are many therapists, with many styles/orientations, and there's a therapist out there for everyone. While I can, and to some extend will need to, adapt my work to that of my client, I don't have to completely change who I am to make the client fit.

(2.) Maybe family therapy isn't my niche. Maybe it's not what I'm meant to do with my career. I can use this internship to gain experience in the area, can challenge myself to grow as much as possible, and can use this time to further my clinical orientation, but I don't have to be great at family therapy. It's okay that I may still suck at it at the end of this internship. So long as I have grown from where I am with it now, then I have learned.

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