Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day Thirty: One Month of Gratitude

“Start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience in order to feel grateful.” —Marelisa Fábrega

It's been interesting keeping a daily log of gratitude. I've found that there were many nights when I got home from internship (which is when I usually write) and found myself feeling very ungrateful. Found myself exhausted (physically, mentally, and emotionally), sick of working for free, tired of doing so much work that feels thankless, bored with some of the routine of my days, filled with the sadness of other people's stories, and with a general sense of ingratitude. Finding something to be grateful for felt hard.

But I did it. Every day I found something to feel thankful about. I did as Fábrega suggests and tried to bring gratitude to my experiences, even those that didn't feel positive. And a month later I feel more blessed. I feel more beloved.

One month down. Eleven more to go.

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