I had the privilege today to watch a therapist do a sand tray demonstration with one of my fellow classmates. My classmate was brave, honest, and authentic. The therapist was empathetic, engaging, and kind. It was amazing to watch the interaction and connection that can happen in a therapeutic relationship. I felt blessed to witness this.
And it reminded me how incredibly powerful my own therapeutic relationship with my clients can be. Yesterday I had a termination session with one of the families I've been working with for the past three months. I have spoken with this mother and 12 year old girl every single week day for the past 3 months. I have listened, supported, engaged, challenged, and believed in their strength, their ability to heal, and the love they have for one another. I have done the very best I could at this point in my professional journey. At the end of our session, after the daughter had left the room, the mother told me that I "saved her daughter's life and she would never forget it." When I turned what she said around and told her that she had done all the work, she started crying and said "she couldn't have done any of it without me and she would never forget what I did for them."
What a humbling, sweet, amazing moment. What a wonderful reminder of the beauty in the work I'm doing. How blessed I am.